Find Your Hips Flow

Class 4, 5, and 6 are your final three practice that consist of one main flow following the “Find Your Flow” style. In this class, we’ll focus on opening the hips. Starting with a warm-up, we’ll move through the main flow, holding each pose for approximately 5 breaths. Then, we’ll seamlessly link movement to breath, […]

Find Your Gentle Flow

Sometimes, you just have to listen to your body when it whispers, “I want to flow, but can we have a softer approach today?” In this class, we honor that gentle request by following the “Find Your Flow” style. However, we will focus on a more soothing selection of asanas, emphasizing seated postures, forward folds, […]

Calendar Fall Winter 2023

We planned your Fall & Winter 2023 so you don’t have to! Join us as we move through a combination of newly and previously released programs, series and classes. Links for future releases might not work now but will be updated as new content is released.

Sitting At Your Edge

Feeling stressed? The edges in life are a vast sea of stressors that impact each one of us differently. Stress act as stimulation to our sympathetic nervous system, which causes the reaction of flight or fight. In this Yin Yoga practice, we will find stillness. By finding stillness, we can help manage stress. Let us […]

Breathe & Move

One of our greatest superpowers is the power of presence, and there is no greater reminder of the present moment than the breath. In this practice, we will find our breath, feel our breath and use our breath to intentionally move the body one moment at a time. Short on time? This is the perfect […]

Slow Down Body Mind

When we move fast we can miss the little things. To slow down calms our mind. To slow down our mind calms the body. In this yin practice we put an intention on both to feel the freedom and softness that comes through slowing down.

It’s Getting Hot in Here

Please say this title with your best Nelly voice because that’s what we are going to do. We are going to get hot and stay and ride this sweaty wave of conscious movement right into Savasana. It is through heat that we both grow and purify the body and mind, so let’s get this party started. 

Mandala Flow

In Yoga, just like many other things in life, we can get stuck in a box. The top, the bottom, the right, the left: always the predictable pattern. In this practice we will gently dissolve the walls of that box, aka that yoga mat, and softly flow to explore all the angles of the mat, […]

Attitude at the Edge

As humans, we are in control of very little. As much as we try to control life, it is going to happen. What we do have control over in any situation is our attitude. When life is going along smoothly, it’s easy to have a good attitude, but what happens when life gets edgy? What […]