Hidden Treasures 3

Lauren fans rejoice! We put this series together so you can enjoy practice with Lauren for 30 continuous days, with no repeating classes as a bonus! Start with just 15 mins a day, progressing to 20, 30, then 45 mins and before you know it, you’ll have built up to a full 60 min vigorous […]

Always Here

If experience is the greatest teacher than this moment is your greatest opportunity to put your practice into action. Alan Watts once said, “The thing you must do with all the feelings you dislike is experience them as deeply as possible.” In this 30 minute power yoga flow you are invited to experience each moment […]

Spring Detox Yoga Flow LIVE

Celebrate the onset of Spring as Lauren guides a community live class centered around the theme of “Detox.” Participate in this invigorating and detoxifying power yoga flow class tailored to restore balance as the season transitions!

Calendar Spring Summer 24

We planned your Spring & Summer 2024 so you don’t have to! Join us as we move through a combination of newly and previously released programs, series and classes. Links for future releases might not work now but will be updated as new content is released.

Deep Rest Ritual

20 minutes of restorative yoga before bed can drastically improve the quality of your sleep by lowering your resting heart rate and improving your heart rate variability. As a practice of the nervous system, restorative yoga helps train your vagus nerve so you are better able to manage stress. This nightly routine is best done […]

Moving Meditation

Moving Meditation is a series of five 10 minute classes you can do anytime, anywhere. You don’t need a yoga mat, yoga clothes, or any previous experience. These practices can be done anytime of day, even at your desk, and are especially great for creating a midday shift in your energy, alleviating stress, re-energizing your […]

Upper Body Moving Meditation

Focused on the upper body, this standing, moving meditation involves simple wrist and arm movements to alleviate workday stress while gently re-energizing your body. With movements that integrate the spin, you will find it easier to re-access focus and concentration after moving through this brief sequence. This class was filmed in Ubud, Bali at the […]

Ankles Knees Lower Body Moving Meditation

Staying connected to the sensation in your feet as you age is a key factor in maintaining balance, which along with other skills, can help prevent painful or even deadly falling accidents. This brief sequence will address the legs, knees and ankles to help you reconnect with a sense of being grounded and steady while […]

Head Neck Shoulder Moving Meditation

Current stress and tension is most frequently held in the face, shoulders, head and neck. This short and simple sequence will open and release physical tension in these areas so you can return to your day with greater access to freedom, focus and clarity. This class was filmed in Ubud, Bali at the beautiful resort […]

Full Body Moving Meditation

Starting with the feet and legs then moving up the body to include the wrists, arms, shoulders, and spine, this brief moving meditation addresses your whole body with a simple energizing sequence of movements that will help you ground and re-focus for your day. This class was filmed in Ubud, Bali at the beautiful resort […]