Calendar Summer Fall 24

We planned your Summer & Fall 2024 so you don’t have to! Join us as we move through a combination of newly and previously released programs, series and classes. Links for future releases might not work now but will be updated as new content is released.

Power To Live

Have you ever wondered why yoga has made such a profound impact on your life? Have you been searching for actionable tools to take off of your mat in order to more fully live your practice? This 30-day program with Lauren Eckstrom explores the power of yoga in which she addresses topics ranging from clinical […]


Welcome to The Power to Live a 30-day program with Lauren Eckstrom. In this opening talk Lauren outlines what you can expect during these 30 days, sharing what brought her to yoga, why she created this program, and what she hopes you’ll receive by moving through it. 

PTL Why Yoga Works

Why do you feel so good after practicing yoga? In this talk Lauren explains the physiology of yoga laying out contemporary research that demonstrates how and why the physical practice of yoga postures has such a profound impact not only on your current state of well-being but also supports your health for the long-term.

PTL Behind the Curtain Part I

The 8 Limbs of Yoga begin with the Yamas and Niyamas, tenets to guide your daily life. For thousands of years understanding and adopting these precepts preceded the learning of yoga poses, breath work, and meditation. In this talk Lauren reviews the Yamas and Niyamas to help you see the ways they are already alive […]

PTL Behind the Curtain Part II

The 8 Limbs of Yoga continues with asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, and samadhi. In this talk Lauren reviews the final limbs of the 8 fold path. 

PTL Embodiment is Medicine 

Take a deep dive into your embodied brain with a thorough breakdown of the nervous system. In this session Lauren explains what embodiment means and how your nervous system is impacted through the practice of yoga leading to greater healing and outcomes. 

PTL Waking Up is Hard to Do

Learn why it’s important to build the trait of awareness and simple steps toward building this trait because waking up to your habits, conditions, and thoughts is the first step toward ending suffering and living a life of connection, choice, and freedom. 

PTL The Mind of Separation

Learning to recognize when you are functioning through the mind of separation, caught in othering others, overly identified with parts of yourself or the masks you wear provides one of the first steps toward awakening. Through conscious awareness of mental habits you begin to embody the power to live your practice both internally and externally […]

PTL Awakening to Suffering

What causes suffering? In this talk you’ll learn about the Second Arrow, the Hindrances and the Three Marks of Existence. As you learn to name and therefore tame these main sources of unhappiness, you’ll alleviate unnecessary suffering throughout your life.