In this workshop we will explore a variety of backbending postures, according to the Holistic Yoga Flow training manual. Taking a deeper look at what is happening structurally in the body, joints, and muscles. Helping to give a clearer understanding of these poses, and inspiration for cueing.

Posture 2 Lunges

Lunges are generally considered grounding and mildly energizing. They tend to be effective for building strength and mobility in the hip joints more than basic standing & standing balance postures. They also tend to be effective for building flexibility through the adductors (inner thighs). Virtually all of the postures in this category are usually safe […]

Posture 3 Forward Folds

Forward folds are generally considered grounding and calming. They are generally not helpful for building strength unless done actively rather than passively. They do tend to be helpful, however, for building flexibility through the hamstrings, lower back and hips. Many of the postures in this category are usually safe for most wrist, shoulder and elbow […]

Posture 4 Twists

Most standing twists are generally considered grounding and energizing, while most reclined and inverted twists tend to be calming. Active range twists can be effective for building strength in the oblique abdominals and spinal erectors, while passive range twists tend to be more effective for building flexibility through the obliques and spinal erectors. Many twists […]

Posture 5 Hip Centric

Hip-centric postures are generally considered grounding, though some are more calming while others more energizing. Depending on the type of movement and use of the joint, hip-centric postures can be effective either for building strength or for increasing flexibility through the muscles of the hip. Many of the postures in this category are usually safe […]

Posture 6 Backbends

Backbends are generally considered invigorating and energizing. The exception to this would be passive backbends that involve laying over a block or bolster, which tend to have a more calming effect. Depending on the orientation of the pose, backbends can be effective for building strength in the spinal erectors (as in locust pose), the shoulders […]

Posture 7 Arm Balances

Arm Balances are generally considered energizing. Almost all arm balances are effective for building strength in the hands, arms, shoulders and core. Arm balances are typically not effective at increasing flexibility except in the sense that they tend to exhaust certain muscles in the shoulders, which can make them more flexible via PNF. Many postures […]

Posture 8 Inversions

Inversions include any posture that involves putting the heart above the head. Typically when people refer to inversions they are talking about headstand (sirsasana), handstand (ado mukha vrksasana), forearm balance (pincha mayurasana), shoulderstand (salamba sarvangasana) and plow pose (halasana), but given that the technical definition of an inversion is any posture that involves putting the […]

Posture 9 Seated

Seated postures are generally considered grounding and calming. The main exception to this would be boat pose (navasana), which requires more strength and thus tends to be more activating. Most cross-legged seated postures are not particularly helpful for building strength or flexibility except in cases where a practitioner has weak spinal erectors and/or tight hips. […]