A Path for Joy

Discover the path to unconditional joy with this meditation series, featuring practices of presence, gratitude, and wonder.
Led by: Brittany Lynne
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
10 Mins
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Path for Joy
10 Mins
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Inside all of us, there is a deep desire for pure joy, true happiness, and contentment. And in reality, that joy already exists within us. Sometimes we just need a little boost to help us tap into it.

Joy is a capacity we all have that can be trained and developed by slowing down and practicing presence, appreciation, gratitude, and wonder. It’s an innate joy that isn’t dependent on life’s ever-changing external factors. And with practice we can experience a deep truth about unconditional joy: Goodness and beauty are available at all times – even in the most difficult ones.

A Path for Joy can help us expand our lens of awareness to see there’s always a path waiting to take us home to joy.

This series was originally written by Dana Byerlee and is newly shared by Brittany Lynne.

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Maria Alejandra Acevedo
Love this practice with Brittany, it is always awaken me and guides me to have a different look of things. Thanks 🙏🏻 for existing.
Isabella Chiodino
very helpful, thank you
I am so very grateful for this series. It calms me down, gives me strength, and fills me with joy. Dana’s voice has something very reassuring about it. I will keep going to this series again and again. Thank you, Dana.
Dana takes us by the hand to explore the beauty of Joy and life. Thank you Dana 🧡
Exceptional meditations. Thank you