Yang and Yin

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.Yang and <b>Yin</b>.
Yang and Yin
Led by: Travis Eliot
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
45 Mins
All Levels

This practice is half power yoga and half yin yoga. Prepare to finish this class sweetly balanced.

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Perfect! Thank you Travis. Namaste.
Debra Ramsay
Love these mixes of flow and stretch. And also really needed to hear the "you're exactly where you need to be" message today!
stephanie booth
Really sweet, balanced practice! A quick-moving power flow followed by a series of longer-held poses. Active + still, physical + mental. Def. recommend!
Courtney Deering
Perfect blend of power and peace! VinYin is my favorite type of class-- hope to see more!
Just perfect đź’›, would love more!!! Advanced mode to shifting gears would be amazing!! Thank you!!!
Loved this format! I want more!
Perfect combination of yang and yin. I would be happy if you could provide us more of this kind of training.
Perfect balanced class. Thank you
perfect combination in one video. would love more of those. some days i feel too lazy for a full power yoga session, but knowing half will be stretching yin, just gets me going!! great!
This session is so good that I hope the concept is turned into a series!
Perfect blend
Love this practice - it's exactly what I need on those days where you need extra self-care...a bit of power and yin, which strikes the perfect balance. Travis' creativity is unparalleled!