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Led by: Lauren Eckstrom
Rated 4.2 out of 5 stars
45 Mins
Strong Flow
All Levels

This class is all about the ebb and flow. Your ability to navigate the shifts and fluctuations of life are embodied in the element of water. When you flow like water you are able to adapt to any situation you find yourself in. This flexibility gives you the equanimity you need to move through life with balance, strength, perspective and steadiness. In this class, be ready to move through unique variations as you challenge your body and your mind while improving the overall fluidity with which you move through not just your practice but also your life.

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This doesn’t flow for me — it’s much too fast and feels all over the place. It’s a pretty discombobulating experience, which is quite the opposite of what I’d expect a fluid class to feel like. I’ve tried this class several times now (it’s my 3rd time going through this series), and this was my last time giving it a chance.
One of the best classes I have done with Lauren ✨🙏✨ Thank you.
Amy McGuire
Loved this flow and the message really hit home for me.
I enjoyed it, very creative and fresh! Felt amazing during and after. I imagine doing the second warm up flow from memory in silence must be incredible bliss. Thank you Lauren, namaste 🙏
Cathy Clifford
I would say this is an intermediate class due to the fast pace. I was not in good enough shape to tackle this one and had to take a few breaks. I admire Lauren for her inspiration which gives everyone something to work towards. Building strength.
Super fun flowing practice that was both challenging and creative.
Aela Suudi
One of my all-time favorite yoga classes, it's absolute perfection for when I want feel an experience of flow. The fluid, dance-like sequence, along with Lauren's brilliant guidance, feels so good in my body, mind and soul. If the first time around, it doesn't feel very smooth (although for me it did), it's worth repeating it until it becomes fluid, and then you'll get an incredible experience of flow when you practice it.
very fast for all these poses. i just felt like i was all over my mat trying to keep up.
Different moves - shook it up a bit - that wad good. I got a little confused with my sides here and there but I really liked the asanas and the flow Lauren's words and presence were inspiring and comforting as always Thank you Lauren
I loved this - creative, different and challenging. I am loving the 45’ classes and this one is no exception. Thanks, Lauren for always pushing us to the edge, yet making it joyful!
Esin Saribatir
Too many moving parts - changing from one side of the mat to the other - for my liking. Big movements between poses mean there’s not a lot of time to find and balance into each - eg one-legged planks and downward dogs to flipped dogs and skandasana to cosmic curtsies on the other side of the mat and then back again for warrior 3 and knee taps to calves and crescent pose. On their own all these are fine but it feels a bit disconnected and jumpy and rushed and therefore not a very challenging or strong workout since most of the time was spent swivelling between positions. But loving most of the 45 for 45 sessions.