Opening the Gates

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.<b>Mandalasana</b><br/>Opening the Gates.
Opening the Gates
Led by: Brent Laffoon
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
45 Mins
Strong Flow

In the third practice of this series, we turn to backbends. Or rather, we’ll attempt to turn in backbends. Bring an open mind, a determined body and a spirit of playfulness as we unlock the wonders of Mandalasana, also known as “circle” or “spinning wheel pose.”

This class is intended for advanced yogis who have experience with challenging poses and intense practice. If you engage in this class, you agree to do so voluntarily at your own risk and assume all risk of injury to yourself.

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Virginie Pointet
I loved this practice. The instructions are clear and precise. It's the first time I've been able to do Mandalasana and I wasn't sure I could do it, so it's boosted my confidence.
A-ma-zing? I truly admire your pdf (Patience, Determination and Faith) and you have installed that also in me when doing your practices. The disorientation is REAL!! OMG!! I was laughing at myself at not even knowing where my hands and feet stood! I have opened more in this practice than in many weeks of work. Magic!! Keep sharing your wisdom!
samanta carpeggiani
Da praticante e insegnante, adoro le sue lezioni, molto tecniche, logiche progressive, anatomiche, mai banali! Grande maestro!
Nadezhda Kononykhina
Amazing as always. Thank you!