Side Body: Length & Strength
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Side Body: Length & Strength
Led by: Mychal Prieto
30 Mins
All Levels
This All Levels practice will strengthen your core and invigorate your side body while enlivening every muscle of your midsection. Cultivate length, strength, tone, and space with postures that fire up your abdominal region. Brace, breathe, and don’t forget to smile! Two blocks are recommended for this practice.
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Wow this is one of my favorites! All the lengthening and strengthening makes for a very energizing practice. It was a nice mindful pace and never rushed. Definitely leave a few minutes at the end for additional stretching. Thanks, Mychal!
Enjoyed seeing Mychal in the teacher's role
It was nice to have a change of pace. Great class, still a lot of core in a short amount of time. Really enjoyed this one!
Such a joy to practice with Mychal. This class was a perfect fit for a very busy day.