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Led by: Brent Laffoon
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
60 Mins
Strong Flow

One of the keys to building strength, flexibility and overall integrity is patience. On our mats, as in life, we’re bound to struggle at times. The important thing is simply to keep trying. But rather than simply trying not to be impatient, this practice encourages you to build patience. Stay open to the present moment and cultivate curiosity about the exploration within the space of each breath. Have fun, and if you struggle with some of the movements… keep trying!

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Thank you Brent! Great lessons not only in postures but in exploring myself. Have a lot to learn and practice and practice and keep practicing patience.
🫶🩷🙏🏻 Brent you should do a whole series to work on patience ☺️
Feel such gratitude at end of this class, thank you Brent for this wonderful piece of self- recovery 😇🧡
Loved it!
Alison Ryckman
This was a very challenging class for me. As I was following along, I found myself thinking that my patience has definitely improved because I know that had I tried this class three or four years ago when I got more into yoga as a daily practice, I would have stopped the video to find something easier. But today, I kept going to the end and did not give up in frustration. I am grateful that I managed about 50% of it decently well. And grateful that I have lots to learn still to keep my yoga journey interesting! Thank you, Brent.
Natania Cipriano
Challenging, unique, and fun. A practice in patience, yes, but also growth! Thank you for this class.
An incredible practice. This was so challenging and that was what I wanted. I had to do so many modifications which means there is so much room to grow as I keep practicing this sequence. I am going to look for more practices with Brent and see if I can put together a little program with his videos! thank you!!
I chose the lesson out of the need for patience in a time of uncertainty in my life .. Dear Brent You are a master .. The creative and unique poses, I found myself staying within the effort. Feeling relaxed and strong
Justine Kinley
Martha Ledesma
Challenging and enjoyable!! I will repeat this one!! Thank you.
I love, love, love the long holds and balance challenges. Great practice, Brent!!!!!!! I'm hoping my patience will pay off with improvements in strength!!!!
Jennie Ding
great practice - hard work but so worth it!
Andi Ramici
Every single time I do this class, I get a bit further. Sometimes a bit backwards, but in general forward and you become stronger. And I haven't had many Yoga practices where I am so eager to finally be do this class in one go completely! Best teacher out there hands down.
Margaret DeCavele
What a spectacular and refreshing challenge. Prepare to shake and burn, this class pushed me further than I was willing to go, so I need to work on some things and come back here, which is great because I can grow, which is what it's all about.
MINDBLOWING! I love all your classes, Brent! Super challenging and surprising moves. This one is my No. 1!
Jenny Palmblad
JoyJean Hughes
Super fun yoga drills class. Great sequencing through planks and side planks. Gotta say I was almost done in by the standing balance sequence. Legs. On. Fire! Will repeat, repeat, repeat.