Neck & Shoulder Detox

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.Neck & Shoulder <b>Detox</b>.
Neck & Shoulder Detox
Led by: Paul Teodo
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
20 Mins

In this gentle yoga class, we focus on opening up the area around the neck, shoulders, and thoracic spine. This is a great class for anyone, and feels particularly good after several hours of sitting at a desk or car

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This is medicine for the shoulder and neck! Thank you soo much!
Venetia Robinson
Clear, straightforward, upbeat and effective - thank you Paul!
Aurore Padenou
Love this, it works wonders
Trina ioviero
I am so appreciate of this detox for neck & shoulders. I come to this often throughout my practice; I now have real shoulders, and notice how they are aligned better with my body, along with the work on my hips & spine. Love your teaching & Spirit!
Wes Boyd
Thanks for an amazing practice! This was effective in relieving the pain and pressure that I was feeling in my neck and shoulders.
Trina ioviero
Thank you Paul for such a serene unlocking these areas in our bodies; so much tension/stress was released in deceptively gentle workout. Great teaching and composition for this class. I've never been so happy to work on this portion of my body!! Namaste!
T E Rabie
I feel fantastic from this practice. Thank you so much Great practice. Thank you so much Paul.
Jennifer Cevik
This class feels amazing. I plan to do it several times a week. Thank you Paul.
Renee Minor
Great class! I liked the variety of stretches for neck and shoulders....much needed. I really like the classes that focus on body parts. ty
Linda Bedwell
Thank you! I've been dealing with neck and shoulder issues since the beginning of the pandemic and with the recent passing of my mother, things have gotten worse. I felt so much relief after doing this practice just once. Thank you so much.
Thank you so much. Just what my neck and shoulders needed!