Name It to Tame It

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.Name It to <b>Tame It</b>.
Name It to Tame It
Led by: Lauren Eckstrom
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Wisdom Talks
10 Mins
All Levels

Do you ever suffer from a busy mind, anxiety, or stress? Who doesn’t? In this talk Lauren touches on her own experiences with anxiety and teaches you the technique, “Name It to Tame It.” Learn how to cultivate greater steadiness, equanimity, and overall well-being with increased compassion and skillfulness by becoming the witness to your moment-to-moment experience.

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Andrea Nelson
Name it to Tame it.... Just to acknowledge what it is instead of just feeling it... So simple but effective . Andrea UK
I love the tone of your voice! It calms me. I relate to everything. You warm my heart and my soul! Thank you
I love the tone of your voice and all the rest I’m in your heart I want something new every time I listen to you! Love and health
Love Lauren, her relatable stories, and her amazing insight and wisdom~