Messy Middle

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.<b>Messy</b> Middle.
Messy Middle
Led by: Lauren Eckstrom
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
60 Mins
Strong Flow
All Levels

As Brené Brown says, “The middle is messy but it is also where the magic happens.” In this 60-minute power yoga class we’ll explore what it’s like to traverse the messy middle through a series of binds. You’ll move through two variations of Bird of Paradise, Chapasana, seated twists, shoulder openers, and much more. Get ready to explore your messiness with power, focus and strength.

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Wow, that was an incredible practice! It was both challenging and mindful, making me sweat, laugh, and relax. It was the perfect way to kick off my day. Thank you 🙏🥰💫
This was so challenging for me today, I kept falling out of poses I normally don't and was amazed at how many things I still can't do! It sure was a messy middle practice. Just goes to show how much there is to always learn and work towards. I also sweat my butt off! I am finding I enjoy more and more the slower-paced classes that get me there on inner dimension, when I used to practice exclusively with Travis' faster-paced style. Very humbling and rewarding practice!
One of my favourite classes: so sweet, so challenging. Thank you.
Živa Trajbarič
That was a beautiful twisty flower. Felt like a child doing a twister. My shoulders are sore from flexing, but that is exactly what I needed today. Namaste, Lauren.
Niccolò Mercatali
one of my favorites! thank you so much anyone knows music from min 15:15 by any chance? :)
mutlu dinckok
great flow thank you
This is one of my favorite classes. I keep coming back to it and feel great after completing it. Thank you Lauren! Namaste.
Maria Zoumpou
Great, mindful twisting and binding! A true 1-hour massage for the spine!!!❤️
wendy mazursky
Can things be uneasy without them being a problem? Golden wisdom right there. Thank you so much for this!
Anne-Sophie Landrau
Amazing class! I would like to see more classes focused on binds and twists at an advanced level.
Truly enjoyed this practice. Lauren has the ability to introduce new and different transitions in a way that makes it rewarding for everyone. I love that she presents the binds with alternatives and reassures the practitioner that not all of us can reach the full bind ‘today or ever’. Wonderful way to start my Sunday.
Could not wish for a better class to give myself for a b-day gift. Thank you!
As said in another comment, this class is truly a masterpiece.
Love, love this class! Thank you Lauren!
I m simply in awe. This class was so powerful and transformative yet so compassionate that I dare to call it your masterpiece, your Mona Lisa, your Sistine Chapel. You are a Yogi whose whisper can wake the potential of all the hearts who hear it. And my heart thanks you with the life of 1000 OMs!
Wonderful class Lauren! Challenging, engaging and inspiring. Beautiful!
Rafaela Hänggi
I am at a loss for words - this was a masterclass! Every word that came out of Laurens mouth came in the exact moment that I needed it. Thank you so much - bless your soul.