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Led by: Denise Antoine
30 Mins
All Levels
In this class we will build both strength and flexibility in the hips and surrounding areas of the body. This practice will include one legged balancing options, including tree and hand to big toe variations. Make sure to place yourself close to a wall if you need a little extra support as you practice one leg balance. Some might find this practice a bit spicy, so please remember to take breaks if you need them and enjoy modifications anytime you’d like.
“Do not become the ones who hurt you. Stay tender in your power. Never fight to injure, fight to uplift.”
~Chanel Miller (Writer & Artist)
Question of the Day: Is there someone you need to forgive today? Are you willing to let go?
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Good practice! It made me sweat. I was off my mat for a couple of weeks. I feel my tempo was more like the two girls in the back, and Denise was a little fast for me. I still enjoyed it! Thanks.
A really good practice - lots of good asanas and felt like a good workout - thank you Denise
A great new series!
Thanks, Denise! I love the yoga-pilates combo with those exercices especially at the beginning of the class (who does not appreciate a bit of hip-bum work?) and the pace of the class. Mostly familiar poses but with different transitions and the final challenging fold which caused me a good laugh. Thanks for bringing joy... and forgiveness!