Deep Rest Ritual

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.Deep Rest Ritual.
Deep Rest Ritual
Led by: Lauren Eckstrom
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
20 Mins
Hormonal Balance
All Levels
20 Minutes
Lauren Eckstrom

20 minutes of restorative yoga before bed can drastically improve the quality of your sleep by lowering your resting heart rate and improving your heart rate variability. As a practice of the nervous system, restorative yoga helps train your vagus nerve so you are better able to manage stress. This nightly routine is best done right before bed. If you do not have a yoga bolster, simply grab a pillow and get ready to rest deeply.

Filmed at Komaneka at Bisma

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singing birds, calming music, one could almost forget that hope is opposite from fear. thank You!
Natania Cipriano
Lovely opportunity to rest in silence. Thank you!