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Led by: Travis Eliot
30 Mins
All Levels
This all levels power yoga class, guided by Travis, starts with a steady build of energy. Eventually, the momentum kicks in, the sequence intensifies and the sweat starts flowing. Prepare to explore creative variations of classical poses while building upper body strength — commando style!
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Loved this flow. As usual so creative!
Simply loved this class. Simple, yet innovative. Sweet, yet challenging. Your classes are the reason I'm on this site Travis, please keep the 30 and 45 minute solo flows coming!
What a beautiful class! Forever grateful for you, Travis! The quote in the end brought tears to my eyes.
Loved it! Nice flow!!
That was... interesting. LOL. What a good flow and some unique moves.
Yabadabadooo!!! That's one class out of the box. From the "broken feet" to the commando push ups, passing through the great sequence of the modified warrior. Loved every bit of it!!! Thanks, Travis, for keeping us surprised!!
Great flow - loved it and wanted more .
Super class...just the right momentum. Commando push-ups - nice challenge. ty