Chin for the Win

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.Chin for the Win.
Chin for the Win
Led by: Mychal Prieto
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
60 Mins
All Levels

In this Power yoga practice, we will build up towards a peak pose, Chin Stand (Ganda Bherundasana). Taking time to prepare the body and mind by building awareness and strength in all the necessary components. Grab two blocks for this practice; if this pose is new, know that you can always use a nearby wall for mental security.

You will need two blocks for this practice.

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I love the challenge of not a typical Vinyasa. I am 9 weeks out from total hip replacement and, while I am not supposed to break 90 degrees for another 3 weeks, I find I am healing quickly. I had to modify a bit but I missed this channel so much that I needed to try it today. Thanks as always for your kind encouragement and amazing cues!
A compassionate practice !
Stefanie Müller
Thanks Mychal ! Beautiful flow. Loved those warming up sequences for the shoulder girdle - could really feel warming up those muscles. Important in cold germany :-) couldn´t lift up both legs....ended up practicing pincha mayurasana Namaste !
Fabienne moreau
great sequence towards the peak pose, loved it, even I cannot lift the 2nd leg - this time mitigated into pincha mayurasana. Thanks Mychal!
WOW what a nice practice Mychal, you explain so well and give tips to enter the poses ..I can't leave my second leg upward ... but that's a beginning .. Better on the second size ( left ..) .. Have to come back. Thank you for this nice one ... Namaste