Inner Reflections
April 26, 2020
Episode 69
Power Yoga “8 Limbs of Yoga Journey” | Day 7 Digital Retreat
Congrats, you made it to the final day of our Digital Yoga Retreat!
Welcome to Day 7 Power Yoga “The 8 Limbs of Yoga Journey” (90min.) and “Sleep Well” Meditation (20min.)!!!
“8 Limbs of Yoga Journey”
In this 90 minute practice Travis takes you on spiritual journey through the 8 Limbs of Yoga – yamas, niyamas, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, and samadhi. Prepare to move through a combination of the Mountain Pose Series, Pranayama and Meditation.
“Sleep Well” Meditation
More than 40% of Americans have sleep deprivation. We are seeing similar or worse statistics around the world. Poor sleep is correlated with the worsening of anxiety, depression and overall wellness. Good sleep is important for renewal, brain cleansing, memory consolidation and cognitive maintenance. In this meditation, Travis will guide you through the perfect meditation to prepare for a good night’s rest.
It’s been an honor to share these last several days together. Thank you for your practice.
These classes are also available on my YouTube channel if you prefer a visual reference to instructions.
THANK YOU for sharing The BE ULTIMATE Podcast with your community – and please RATE and REVIEW the podcast.
THANK YOU for helping us spread inspiration and wisdom across the globe!
See YOU on the mat!
-Travis Eliot