Wake-Up on Your Mat

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.<b>Wake-Up</b> on Your Mat.
Wake-Up on Your Mat
Led by: Erin Rose Ward
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
30 Mins
No Props
All Levels
Power Yoga
30 Minutes
Erin Rose Ward

Short on time? This 30 minute morning practice will stoke your fire, center your mind, and set your whole system up to receive the magic of the day ahead. Front body openers, twists, and some joy sprinkled in.

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Natania Cipriano
I keep returning to this class. What an amazing way to start the day.
Els Verbrugge
Absolutely loved this class. The kriyas really helped to move any stuck energy, and the sun salutation flows were a perfect way for me to reconnect with the coherence in my body. I just adore Erin's way of being- the love just radiates out from her. What a way to start the day!
A real mood changer :D
I love this class so much. I find myself returning to it again and again. Erin's positive energy, combined with moves that feel wonderful and get the blood flowing is a great way to start the day. I even do it in the afternoon when I need a pick me up. Thank you Erin!
I woke up in a sour mood and this was a perfect way to clean the slate. I am grateful for you, Erin!
Really incredible. Thank you🙏🙏🙏🙏
Dana Calloway
Fantastic practice! Loved it!
Great wake up practice and you are such a lovely, warm presence Erin as well - thank you 🙏 🌈
erika hosier
A lovely start to the day! Thank you
Antje Hennegriff
I love the way you teach, - thank you so much Erin that I can start my way in such a beautiful way
magali millou
the most fantastic class ever for a bleury morning! thank you and God bless you
Laura Goellner
hey guys can you tell me what music was used? i really like it
Susan Douglass
Such a beautiful way to begin a day. Thank you
Marjan Buseyne
I really loved this seance, it was so infused with joy and beauty. I loved the little craziness, the earthy elements, the mundane spirituality, the energy of femininity and earth, the mesmerizing beauty of the music especially in the end - felt like elves all over the place in my home. Thank you very much, I add it to my favo's to re-experience this again and again. Thanks! )(
Wow Erin...I love it!
I love your unique style and inspirations, Erin. Exercise, spirituality and flow.
Hannes Brandl
Wow, that was a great start in the morning! Thank you for this wonderful yoga class!