Claim Your Power

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.Claim Your <b>Power</b>.
Claim Your Power
Led by: Lauren Eckstrom
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
45 Mins
All Levels

The stories you tell yourself create your inner narrative and ultimately your life. In this 45-minute power yoga practice we set the intention to rewrite a story that is no longer useful to your life. With courage, kindness and clarity you have the opportunity to transform your inner dialogue with this dynamic, empowering, back-bending and heart-opening flow. For this practice you’ll need a bolster and a strap.

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Jessica Blandina
This was so beautiful. Very transformative, thank you, Lauren. ☺️
Wow I loved this so much. Epic. Thank you so much 🙏🙏🙏
Paulina Fried
Like a peace of art!
Thank you Lauren! This was necessary. I will revisit this practice often. Namaste.
nice little sweat
Glyka Dedeoglou
Nice practice! Enjoed the class. Thank you!!
Pure love
Paulina Fried
Andrea Corazzini
Wonderful class- very empowering !
Wow, what a sweet ride Lauren!! Thanks so much, the focus of my day shifted to a more positive state of mind!! Namaste... Yvette, from El Salvador Nov.23, 2020
quite a quick flow class- I practiced first thing in the morning and my body felt too stiff to fully flow with ease at first but once I limbered up this was an excellent flow. In the future I will practice this later on in day. Laurens words were so beautiful and on point, I feel positive and more confident in myself. This practice works your whole body, in a very nurturing yet strong way. Thankyou Lauren
Time went by quickly so must have been enjoyable
I found this practice to be exceptionally beautiful, heartfelt words. Thank you lauren
Thank you, Lauren. You are my inspiration! Namaste!
Love Lauren’s routines , creative , fun and challenging. Always a good narrative to focus your mind 💜
New sequencing which was fun and exciting, quick pace at the beginning with some intermediate to advanced holds after you are warm. Good workout!