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Reclaim Your Inner Power

Being empowered is about self-mastery – it’s about reclaiming your inner power. Every day you will get on your yoga mat for approximately 20-30 minutes.

You will receive daily emails with links to a brand new class each day and overview so that you continue on a 30-day streak of empowerment and never miss a beat.

As you move through this dynamic journey you can expect to increase strength, improve flexibility, decrease fat, and awaken to your full potential.

Become the Master of your Body, Mind, and Life

EMPOWERED is a 30-day power yoga challenge guided by world renowned yoga instructor, Travis Eliot.

Travis will guide you through thematic power and yin classes that empower you physically, mentally, emotionally, and soulfully!

“The secret to getting ahead is getting started.”
-Mark Twain


At 30 minutes each there is no excuse for me not to hit my yoga mat.


The class time and level really works with my work schedule.


After my fitness dumbbell strength training this morning this Yin practice is just what my body, my mind, and my spirit needed.
