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Led by: Lauren Eckstrom
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
45 Mins
All Levels

Stamina is key to pregnancy, labor, and motherhood. It is said that pregnancy pushes women to the peak of human endurance so this practice, while strong, will help you build the stamina necessary to meet the growing demands of your baby, body, and journey ahead.

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So thankful for this program during my pregnancy. This class was both challenging and calming. Thank you!
Emma Mcdonell
These classes are incredible. Wish I had found out about them earlier in my pregnancy! Thanks Lauren!
diana howe
Great practice, but these need to be labeled for what trimester you're in. Im in my 3rd and did this practice for 1st but didn't know that until almost through the whole thing
The best prenatal yoga out there, wished I had this when I was pregnant! I'm not even pregnant but thoroughly enjoyed this lovely power yoga practice!