Radiantly Rooted
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Radiantly Rooted
Led by: Lauren Eckstrom
45 Mins
All Levels
There is no quality more important in motherhood than your ability to be rooted: steady and deeply grounded. As you prepare to enter the final phase of pregnancy, this practice is geared to support you during your third trimester by establishing balance, stability, and clarity. You’ll move through postures that build confidence, strength and space while practicing breathing techniques to support you during labor and delivery. For this practice have 2 blocks and a bolster.
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Thank you Lauren for being our companion on the mat for 9 months! It has been absolutely brilliant. Finally a yoga prenatal that is not only very well designed but also very thoughtful and inspirational and challenging! I loved every day and I have done it until week 38 when I gave birth to my beautiful Amelie! Today she is 6 months old and we are doing Level UP 108 together on the mat :) (well we are trying! :)) I highly recommend this course!