Inner Reflections
April 23, 2020
Episode 66

Power Yoga “Gentle” | Day 4 Digital Retreat

Welcome to Day 4 Power Yoga “Gentle” (60min.) and the “Loving Kindness” Meditation (20min)!!!

Power Yoga “Gentle”
In this 60 minute gentle yoga class prepare for a sweet relaxing stroll. This class a slow meditation in motion through standing, seated and reclining poses.

“Loving Kindness” Meditation
Loving-Kindness practice dates back approximately 2,500 years. In this meditation Travis Eliot gently guides you through various stages of spreading compassion using images, feelings and the repetition of loving phrases. With an open heart, we experience more joy and a meaningful connection with ourselves and others.

Excited to share this week long digital retreat with you.

These classes are also available on my YouTube channel if you prefer a visual reference to instructions.

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See YOU on the mat!
-Travis Eliot

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